At Cash Ways Bookkeeping Services we work with you to create structured financial statements that can be used by progressive small to medium-sized businesses to provide an accurate snapshot of the organisation’s financial position and profitability at any given time.  Customised reports analysing income and cost drivers and identifying problem areas of your business can be invaluable when aiming for growth and scalability of your business.

  • Management Reports – giving business owners and management an easy to understand snapshot of relevant financial information.
  • A Profit and Loss Statement outlines an organisation’s income, expenses and profit over a certain period of time.  Comparing actual figures to budgeted figures for the same period of time will help identify unforeseen problems.
  • A Balance Sheet outlines the current financial position of your as of a specific point in time. The Balance Sheet shows what an entity owns (assets) and how much it owes (liabilities), as well as the amount invested in the business (equity).
  • Ratio analysis of these financial reports can be used to determine where the business is working well or not and where problems lie for future operations.
  • Budget preparation and end of year analysis against actual figures.
  • Cash flow forecasts for identifying possible problems resulting from insufficient funds and flagging timelines for sourcing extra business funding.
  • Cash Flow Statement – shows where a business’ cash is being generated (cash inflows from activity sources), and where its cash is being spent (cash outflows from activity sources and cost drivers), over a specific period of time (usually quarterly and annually).
  • Accounts Receivable Aging
  • Accounts Payable Aging
  • Custom reporting

Call now for a complimentary 30 minutes consultation

NOTE: We do not do Income Tax work but we will prepare your bookkeeping to tax prep stage ready to hand to your tax accountant in required format reports.

Important: The material and contents provided in the information above are informative in nature only. The information supplied relates exclusively to generalized situations and should not be applied to any other situation. They are not intended to be advice and you should not act specifically on the basis of this information alone. Cash Ways Bookkeeping Services are not registered tax agents or lawyers and cannot provide advice on income tax or legal issues especially for individual businesses which will have unique and specific circumstances. If expert assistance is required, professional advice should be obtained from your registered tax agent and/or professional legal adviser.

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