There are 3 major activities, where, if you don’t have control, you’re on the fast track to being one of the more than 60% of businesses that fail in the first 3 years.

(1) customers & cash flow
(2) document handling & information processing;
(3) reporting & analysis.

Let’s examine each of these in detail.

(1) Control Over Customers and Cash Flow

Benefits of Customer and Cash Flow Control

Very briefly, you can reduce some of the anxiety and stress of running your business by having good cash flow control to help you:

  • pay your expenses,
  • make stock purchases,
  • pay wages & super commitments on time
  • pay your loan and lease commitments,
  • pay your BAS and tax office commitments when due,
  • control funds to grow your business!

Have money when you need it:

The first advantage of managing cash flow by using budgeting and cash flow projections, is that you plan to have money on hand when you need it.  It’s critical that business owners monitor cash flow closely so that,

(a) slow paying customers are brought into line;
(b) supplier demands for earlier payment can be met;
(c) wages and superannuation are paid on time;
(d) loan and lease payments are paid by the due date; and
(e) all tax office commitments are met.   

By properly assessing your cash flow processes you’ll be in a much better position to know when to make business changes to weather the inevitable hard times and know when you need to source extra funds to meet all your commitments.

Have funds to expand your business:

The second advantage of good customer and cash flow control is being able to grow your business.  Your business can’t expand when you are constantly cash-strapped. 

  • Growing your business will be easier when you can be certain there will be available funds in the business to put into new activity, new staff, or new products etc.
  • Trying to expand your business without having good control over your cash flow is doomed to failure. 
  • Many businesses fail even though their customer base is expanding rapidly because they didn’t factor in the need for extra funds to finance the purchase or greater and greater amounts of inventory to service the sales.
  • Combined with poor customer collection processes, it’s a sure road to collapse to attempt expansion without adequate cashflow to fund it.

Documenting cashflow allows access to loan funds and lease contracts:

The third advantage of having positive cash flow is the ability to borrow money.  

  • Well-developed cashflow management will allow companies to see when they will need to access external funds. 
  • Being able to borrow larger sums of money for business expansion will be made easier by providing past and future cashflow management documents to show that your business will be able to repay the loans.

Controlling Cashflow from Customers

Every Business Needs Customers

You can’t run a business without customers or clients so it makes sense that you need to keep good records and good control over your customers as the mainstay of your business.  

  • Finding new customers is costly and time consuming. 
  • Providing exceptional service, as well as quality goods, to new and existing customers will keep them coming back.
  • Maintaining a good relationship with your existing customers can help bring in referrals for new customers. 
  • Prompt invoicing and offering customers several different ways to pay, will help improve your customer’s experience and have them come back for more or recommend your products and services to others. 

Don’t let invoices sit unpaid

It’s not rude to ask for payment as soon as the work is done! 

  • Re-examine the terms you offer your customers.  Asking for a 50% deposit and/or full payment immediately on completion is an acceptable business practice. 
  • Using easy-to-access credit card facilities such as Square or Stripe make it easy for your customer to pay as soon as the work is done or product supplied.
  • If invoicing later, offer customers several different ways to make payment will encourage quicker payment, e.g., online payments and Paypal. 
  • Don’t put off contacting a difficult customer to chase payment.  The longer you leave it , the more you risk them not paying at all.  After all, if the customer sees that you’re not really bothered if they don’t pay (this is evident to customers when they don’t get any follow up statements, reminders or phone calls) then why would they need to pay?  These customers are basically being financed by you!  This means that you have to keep sourcing more funds to buy more stock to service other customers!
  • If you wish to separate your customer service from debt collection, then Cash Ways can manage customers who need follow-up for late payment and help set a process of how to deal with accounts that may need the services of an external debt collector.

Customer Control for Business growth

  • The benefits of good control over customers and encouraging quick payment, leads to better control over cash flow.
  • Knowing when your customers pay can help you plan for future growth.
  • If you always win (say) 50% of your quotes, then it makes sense to focus your expertise on your business and leave the bookwork to experts! With Cash Ways doing your bookkeeping and you winning and delivering more quotes, your business will thrive.  Why would you use your valuable time in trying to figure out how to do the bookkeeping properly when you know you will win more customers with the extra time you have to spend on quotes?
  • It can often help if there is a separation between collection of payment and the sales team.   This can leave your sales staff being able to provide new products and after sales services to customers rather than the awkwardness that can arise when sales staff have to deal with slow payers.

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(2) Document Handling and Information Processing

Benefits of Controlling Documents and Information


Your solution to being in control of this activity is a customized information management system.  These are really just fancy words to say that Cash Ways will help you find a better way to process, store and retrieve your business documents including customer sales invoices.  As much as we like to think that we’re in a paperless society, hard copy documents still record most of a business’ daily activities.  But digital information and business documents also must be stored in such a way that creates useful and easy to work with records to support your business activities.  This could be as simple as using large black folders set up in a way to contain different types of documents and then used as archiving folders when the folder is full.

2. Consistency

Having consistent processes in place to deal with the flow of information needed for financial reporting and business operations will increase your staff productivity helping you achieve more than previously possible.  For example, keeping track of receipts for minor purchases by you and your staff is a pain but can be made simple with the right process in place.

We will help build and establish business systems including a calendar of important deadlines tailored to your business needs for better information management, workflow and ATO compliance requirements.  The success of any business lies in its effective communication and data exchange processes within and between departments and business units as well as with associated third parties such as customers and suppliers.

Current focus on cloud storage can seem daunting to anyone who has not used it previously.  Cash Ways can help you explore the need for cloud storage and how your business could possibly benefit from this technology as well as setting up the system and provide staff training.

Call now for a complimentary 30 minutes consultation

(3) Reporting and Analysis

Benefits of Customised Reporting

1.What Does Customised Reporting Mean?

Customized reporting sounds flash, but it really just means getting the right information out of your bookkeeping system so that you can make meaningful management decisions. 

Cash Ways will work with you to develop customized management-style financial statements and reports and not just from an annual tax reporting perspective which is usually what small businesses end up with.  Management-style financial reporting to suit your specific industry and business needs allows you to identify problems and monitor changes in your business for better decision making and better business outcomes.

2.Make Better Business Decisions

We will help you learn how to understand, analyse, and interpret your management reports. Better financial outcomes will flow from better decision making. And better decision-making flows from better customised reporting.  For instance, one useful analysis tool is calculating your gross profit margin from figures on your Profit and Loss Statement. 

Gross profit margin is a metric used to assess a company’s financial health and business model by showing how much money is left over from sales after deducting the cost of goods sold. The gross profit margin is usually expressed as a percentage of sales and can also be called the gross margin ratio.  If a business owner fails to understand the gross profit margin, then any business decisions can be seriously flawed. 

3.The Impact of Not Understanding Your Reports

One business owner kept putting off more and more employees because his bakery goods manufacturing business was not making a net profit.  But he failed to understand that his business would never make a net profit because it wasn’t making a gross profit to begin with.  He should have been controlling his costs that drove direct input costs of raw materials, i.e., flour, butter and sugar., because it cost him more to buy the raw materials than he was selling the finished goods for.

Whatever, problems you are experiencing with your bookkeeping and management accounting reports, Cash Ways will help you sort out what is needed to control your problems.  We will help remove your anguish of not understanding your bookkeeping reports, and then set your business up to thrive.

Call now for a complimentary 30 minutes consultation

*Note: Cash Ways Bookkeeping Services is not a registered tax agent.  All financial reports will be provided for management purposes and to tax prep and/or audit prep stage for your tax accountant or auditor.

Important: The material and contents provided in the information above are informative in nature only. The information supplied relates exclusively to generalized situations and should not be applied to any other situation. They are not intended to be advice and you should not act specifically on the basis of this information alone. Cash Ways Bookkeeping Services are not registered tax agents or lawyers and cannot provide advice on income tax or legal issues especially for individual businesses which will have unique and specific circumstances. If expert assistance is required, professional advice should be obtained from your registered tax agent and/or professional legal adviser.

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